Be Kind to yourself

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a biblical concept spoken by Jesus in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12; it is commonly referred to as the “Golden Rule.” “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

Be kind to yourself and to one another…

3 thoughts on “Be Kind to yourself

  1. Reading, “Be kind to yourself and to one another…” and looking at the lovely photo with the fruit on the table, reminded me that kindness is a fruit of the Spirit of God. And kindness seems very connected to doing/deeds and letting His light shine (maybe golden light…like the “Golden Rule” you referred to, Sara).

    I thought this scripture from Matthew 5:16 pertained to this: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.

    1. Debi, I noticed my G-Daughter, age 4 had a battery operated lamp that spelled KINDNESS. She had a Tshirt, Be Kind to others….She was being taught the lamp had value when the light was on in the dark. Her T-shirt had value when she smiled, gave a good deed and shared with others.

      We have so many moments in our day where our light has a chance to be turned on and shine for a purpose. The last line in your scripture reference, “that they may glorify your Father, which is in heaven.

      A lamp needs a source, battery, etc. I-think if we refer to our blog and comment, “The Cross Made the Difference”…we might discover how important the power of the Cross is to our kindness/ good deeds so our Father will be glorified.

  2. the footnotes for Matthew 7:12, from the NLT says: “ This is commonly known as the Golden Rule. In many religions it is stated negatively : ‘ Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you .’ By stating it positively, Jesus made it more significant. It is not very hard to refrain from harming others; it is much more difficult to take the initiative and doing something good for them. The Golden Rule, as Jesus formulated it, is the foundation of active goodness and mercy— The kind of love God shows to us every day. Think of a good immersive action you can do today.” Beautiful picture above and love hearing the stories, as above, how young children, like your G-daughter are being taught the ways of God.🥰🤣🩷

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