Sharing the sacred in the ordinary

Share your lastest story of a conversation with a prophet?

Finding the sacred in the ordinary is my way of living. Wonderful, joyful blessings as well as pain and suffering spring up in the most unlikely places at times. How often do we miss our blessings when we have the answers in our midst on our phones as we chat? Join me in reflecting on the ordinary and discovering the sacred. Share your discovery and just maybe your experience will be a teacher for another.

6 thoughts on “Sharing the sacred in the ordinary

  1. No extraordinary phone calls today, however I did discover an extraordinary story in what I thought might be an ordinary prayer session this morning. A N. Korean-American pastor visited the group. He told of the conversion of a Tibetan Buddhist monk to the Lord Jesus Christ here in our area and how he plans to join our prayer group for a season which will be a lovely addition to the group. It will interesting to hear his testimony and join with him in prayer for his fellow Tibetans and former monks, especially.
    I believe this will be an exciting prayer session!

  2. My latest conversation came through words by Walt Garrett-Ak, USA-Devotional
    How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!- Psalm 84:1 (NRSV)

    “One morning as I took a break from my duties at the church building, I read the verse quoted above in my devotional book. I began to look around at the beautiful sanctuary where I was sitting. The colors of the stained glass seemed more vivid than usual, and the dark wood paneling reflected a rich gleam. Surely I was in God’s home! But the devotional book continued with a prayer that seemed to be calling me to go out into the forgotten places of the world. I struggled with these juxtaposed thoughts.

    Why should we leave a place where we feel God’s presence and go to those places where God seems absent?

    If we follow Jesus, we will go where Jesus goes. We will be in his presence and dwell with him, regardless of the location. But the question is: Are we ready to leave our comfortable spaces to see where else God is dwelling? It can be scary; but we can cling to Jesus through prayer, fasting, worship, communion, Christian fellowship, and studying scripture. When we follow Jesus, we can find that God dwells in places we never expected.”
    Thought for the Day: In what “forgotten” place am I called to reflect God’s love?

    Prayer: Dear God of all, guide us to the places where we usually don’t go, and help us to love the people we usually don’t love. Amen.


    After my reading this, meditating and speaking with another I realized, no, I had not been faithful to the “forgotten places”…I closely scanned photos of a poverty site where I have a relative serving and reminded by the Holy Spirit, and the prophet that sent them….”pray for those living in poverty in this exact place.” It gives me no glam lifestyle to enjoy dressing and flaunting my new clothes and jewelry to be acknowledged by my pew sitters and me theirs before we could utter a few words of prayer to beguile one another. Yes, I like Walt, our writer realized the beauty of a building and of course my fake beauty of wrinkle free cream, lipstick to paint an elephant and don’t stop there view my nails and even my toe nails. Why who will see me today and praise me while a child dies without food and the Mother without Jesus. The answer, shop more for me. Just maybe I will feel like a queen.

    Yes, my phone to prophets has been very busy finding the sacred in the ordinary.

  3. Today, I wanted to visit, make calls, etcetera just a few more people than my day had hours for. So, I did the ones I could and then took care of my daily mundane chores. As I washed dishes among other happy things I said prayers for the ones I couldn’t visit. Then I rested waiting for a thunderstorm to pass. I got a text from one, shared lots of joy. A call from another suffering from some of the maladies of old age. And a third, leaving a voice mail announcing bringing garden gifts. God heard my faint voice in the midst of the ordinary and drew me into the sacred joy of friendship. I appreciate God’s presence in each and every place I find myself.

  4. “Share your lastest story of a conversation with a prophet?”
    Many conversations with Sara have shown me that her prophetic gift shines the light to show that doing the ordinary becomes the sacred. A timely trip to the post office to do a mailing can be just what the recipient needed on the exact day they opened it. Completing a simple, manual task timely and orderly when prophetically directed, has fulfilled a divine purpose God had planned for someone to bless them. She has shown me that seemingly commonplace things or duties or little jobs that involve my hands and feet can make big differences for others when God prophetically directs.
    Hopefully, my heart and eyes will be opened more to see and appreciate how much the sacred is found in the ordinary and to respond appropriately to it. I Kings 19:11-13 reminds me that God’s directive purpose may not be in the drama of wind or earthquake or fire, but in His still small voice.

  5. I ponder this thought given to me by a prophet often…..
    … started this ministry on a principle from Mother Theresa, “If you wait till you have what you think you need to do ministry, you’ll never do ministry.”

  6. And as you spoke with us, yesterday, you reminded us of the proverb to use what we have in our hands. Like the Lord God instructed Moses standing before Pharaoh, “what do you have in your hand…” ,use it, use THAT. .
    Sometimes what we are holding in our hand at the moment may not be what we will be holding later. It is imperative that we use ” in the moment” that the Spirit speaks to employ or apply that tool, that gift, that ”talent”, that dollar to the situation or circumstance, ”in the moment”.
    A new leaf on an ancient Beatitude…..Blessed are those who follow the Holy Spirit promptings and His counsel. And blessed are those who receive because of those who have obeyed.

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